Traditional network marketing strategies are taught by an overwhelming majority of leaders and network marketing companies in the industry. These strategies are the foundation that many successful leaders have used to build their organizations.
With the advent of the internet, many distributors are opting to use technology to help in building their network marketing businesses.
As we enter a new age in network marketing, is traditional network marketing a complete waste of time to build your MLM?
Network Marketing in the Industrial Age
The strategies and tactics developed by network marketing companies were developed in what we refer to as the “industrial age.”
This is an age in society when people moved from an environment where the majority of citizens made their living off the land to an age when the majority of citizens made their living working for companies in specific locations.
Traditional network marketing strategies worked very well in the industrial age. The large majority of people worked for corporations.
Opportunities for growth were limited because starting a corporation or investing in one required a substantial amount of capital. For the average person, network marketing was one of the few opportunities available for wealth creation.
Network Marketing in the Information Age
With the personal computer infiltrating the home starting in the 1980s and the internet reaching worldwide penetration in the 1990s we have the birth of the “information age.”
With information available to everyone at the click of a mouse, a host of new opportunities became available to the average person.
Network marketing must now compete with a number of different business models for the attention of the average person.
With individuals and companies providing training, businesses such as making money in real estate, the trading of financial instruments for profit (stocks, options and commodities) and the creation of internet based businesses; there are now a number of different options for the average person to start a business from home.
Since we now live in a new age, this begs the answer to the question, is traditional network marketing, a group of strategies and tactics developed in one age still relevant for a new age like the information age?
Are Traditional Network Marketing Strategies Still Relevant?
Traditional network marketing strategies and tactics will still work for now. This is because we still have a large portion of the population that has not embraced technology to the point where it has become a way of life.
For example, the baby boomers, while comfortable with technology, aren’t necessarily dependent on technology as much as some of the younger generations.
However, as the internet and modern technology become more prevalent, the effectiveness of traditional network marketing strategies will continue to diminish.
Many younger people are growing up with a computer and the internet in the home. Many of them spend more time on the computer than they do watching television.
The best way to tap into this group as a target market is to use the power of the internet.
Offline Vs Online Network Marketing
Traditional network marketing is a very slow and labor intensive way to build a business.
As we continue to work in the information age, people want results the fastest and most efficient way possible.
The technology available for using the internet for prospecting purposes makes it dramatically easier to sort through prospects than using traditional network marketing strategies.
While I won’t go as far as saying traditional network marketing is a complete waste of time, I will say that it is time consuming.
If you are comfortable with the internet, you will generally find it dramatically easier and more efficient to build your business using internet marketing strategies and techniques.
These strategies cost less money, allow you to contact larger numbers of people and allow you to build your business at a faster rate than traditional network marketing strategies.
Your Partner in Success,
Jochled Almaden
Your Partner in Success,
Jochled Almaden
P.S. I look forward to speaking with you soon, and helping you attain heights that you’d never seen or even dreamed. We are about to embark on a journey without limitations, my friend, and I look forward to working with you. You may e-mail or add me on facebook:
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